Monday, April 2, 2012

The Usual Suspects

In the latest issue of National Review, Lisa Schiffren writes an interesting review of Thomas Mallon's novel Watergate.  While it's not likely that I'll ever read the book, it's apparently unique in that Mallon, remaining mostly true to the known facts, retells the story by pursuing the more human interior thoughts and motivations of its cast of characters, to include, of course, Richard Nixon himself.

Schiffren concludes with general praise for the effort, but along the way scribbles this gem:
In a funny way, the most interesting thing about Watergate is that it is presented as a purely human drama, in which the characters all have a normal array of motives, goals, and emotions, far more personal than political.  Glaringly absent is the overlay of hatred, vilification, and presumption of intent to upend the Constitution to support a war, along with all the other outsized evil fantasies of Nixon and his staff, as conjured by generations of liberals, activists, Yale Law School students, Weathermen, and folk singers.
"...and folk singers."  I love that.

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