Thursday, December 15, 2011

Time Is On My Side

Time magazine, that is, and it's on your side if you're a deadbeat "Occupier."

I honestly can't remember the last time I thumbed through a copy of Time, but apropos of my  earlier post about a misleading USA Today headline and story, Andrew Cline rightly takes to ask the once famous but quickly fading weekly for the absurd cover story in its annual Person of the Year edition.  This year it's "The Protester".  Here's the money quote, but do read the whole piece.
It is the willful attempt to replace reality with a fiction that the reader will then believe, causing him to act contrary to his own interests and the interests of others. And it is all done in the name of the people. So remember, the next time a protester shuts down your favorite café, loots your store, or joins with his buddies to halt trade and cost workers millions of dollars in lost wages, he's just raising his fist in solidarity with the freedom fighters risking their lives for the right to self-determination halfway around the globe. He is they, and they are him. Or something.

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