Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just As I Suspected

So how many homosexuals want to get married in the first place?  And once they do, how many stay married?  The answer, it appears, is not many.

Charles C. W. Cooke investigates (check out his numbers) and concludes:
The debate over marriage does not necessarily hinge on its popularity among the eligible, and advocates of gay unions would no doubt assert that “equality” is not a numerical proposition as quickly as their opponents would aver that the very idea is a hopeless category mistake. But it is nonetheless worth noting that there is no particular groundswell — even in states and cities that have both legal gay marriage and significant numbers of homosexuals — and that, when gay couples do decide to get married, they are more likely than their straight equivalents to change their minds later.
This is not surprising.  Whatever frisson bohemians experience in thwarting bourgeois sensibilities and practices by actually engaging in them, in this case by marrying, it is quickly replaced by the even more satisfying for them frisson of simply being different, a difference it would appear they are eager to return to as quickly as possible.

If, on the other hand, we are referring not to genuine bohemians, but instead to truly tortured souls who are at the very least uncomfortable with their state of being, then I would only say that pretending to be normal, in this case by marrying, will not because it cannot offer them the relief they so desperately seek.

For them I feel only sympathy.  But for the Left that uses them as little more than cannon fodder in the culture wars, I feel an abiding disgust.   


  1. Has anyone thought out how "gay marriage" will affect the rights of spouses in marriages that end in divorce? I can't imagine women who are divorced by husbands coming out better if there is in fact "marriage equality."

  2. It occurs to me that "thought out" is not an activity that very frequently accompanies following the siren song of "equality".
