Monday, October 10, 2011

Until the Sun Goes Down Over Santa Monica Boulevard, cont.

Remaining undistracted by the state's looming bankruptcy, the Democrat Party-controlled California legislature and Democrat Governor Jerry Brown displayed a remarkable measure of collective self-discipline as they boldly passed and signed into law a new measure that prohibits tanning bed use by anyone under the age of 18.

State Senator Ted Lieu, the bill's sponsor, remarked:  "If everyone knew the true dangers of tanning beds, they'd be shocked. Skin cancer is a rising epidemic and the leading cause of cancer death for women between 25 and 29."

Of course, that terrible contingency was already foreseen, at least in part, by the state government when it legalized the use of medical marijuana some years ago. 

However, as some observers have noted, the prospect of minors, young women mostly, smoking pot in order to control the pain of cancer caused by the tanning beds might make paying strict attention in class to the state-mandated teaching of homosexual history all the more difficult.  Hence, immediate passage of the new law became compelling.

When asked about the state's dire fiscal condition, one unnamed legislator reportedly said, "One crisis at a time, one crisis at a time."

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