Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Spoiled-Brat Liberal Punditry

This could be mostly just funny if it weren't so pathetic. Even then, it's pretty funny.

Proud, Obama-defending, Democrat Party apologist and uber-liberal Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, apparently reading what can no longer be called just tea leaves ("Tea Party" leaves, perhaps?) is forced to face the future about his team's almost certain defeat and he blames it all on...? You guessed it, "the spoiled-brat American electorate."

To think that just 22 months ago that very same electorate, when it pulled the lever for Obama-Biden, was celebrated as, collectively, post-partisan, post-racial, post-American savants. Who spoiled'em?


  1. But, dear Sage, you keep expecting them to be rational, and therein lies the problem. Their pronouncements have nothing to do with consistency, clarity, or reason. They are about assigning blame, about insighting indignation, and about being victims. It's probably foolish to expect or even hope for better, but it is aggravating nonetheless. Sigh......

  2. Ahem....that should have said "inciting" was too late to be making comments :(

  3. Forgive me Lavender. It's been a week since you posted these and I only now noticed them. That's pretty poor for a Big-Time Blogger like myself.

    Anyway, well said, very inciteful.


    Feel better?
