Sunday, September 12, 2010

Something's Burning

Predictably, the media-fed and public figure-lead circus that surrounded the Florida pastor's original plan to burn a copy of the Koran on the anniversary of 9/11 has inspired numerous copy-cat burners around the country. As a result, the Politically Correct are confirmed in their insistence that this backward and unjust country is forever one right-wing, gun-totin', Bible-thumpin', bitter, clinger away from being provoked into the mass round-up and lynching of whomever it deems, in its irrational frenzy and fury, the convenient "Other".

It never occurs to them that the copy-cats might not have anything against Muslims per se. That, instead, they are reacting to the Politically Corrects' insufferable posture of moral and intellectual superiority, as well as their not-so-subtle, disgusting, and ultimately suicidal message that it is somehow America that is the problem.

I am increasingly convinced that this nation is divided into two parties that inhabit two entirely different and ultimately incompatible moral universes. Reconciliation between them has become impossible. The only solution, therefore, is victory by one side and unconditional surrender by the other. These are the stakes. God help us.

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