Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Soldiering On

It appears the various service chiefs are not quite as eager to abandon the "Don't ask, Don't tell" policy regarding homosexual service in the military as we were lead to believe. In fact, it seems a serious disagreement has developed between the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Mike Mullen, who supports the Obama Administration's determination to end the policy, and the heads of the other services, who apparently don't.

I suspect complicating their deliberations are reports such as these about innocent sunbathers on Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. How does one integrate transgender, uh, what, people? Incorporating "straight" gays and lesbians seems by comparison a piece of cake. I mean, which uniform will these people wear?

Anyway, one thing is certain, denying these loyal Americans an equal right to serve their country is simply intolerable and neither the White House nor the Democrat Party will stand for it.

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