Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Jump!, cont.

If you've paid any attention at all to the debate over what to do to avoid the nation's looming "fiscal cliff", you know that the issue has been framed as essentially one between the House Republicans, who do not want to raise marginal tax rates on anyone, and the White House, the congressional Democrats, the elite liberal media (as well as a growing number of "wobbly"  Republican senators willing to dicker after all), who want to raise them on the wealthiest Americans.

There remains, to this point anyway, little to no word at all about cutting spending.  And, if history is any guide, no matter what the final deal, no spending will be cut, now or ever.

So, how about gambling on this deal instead?  A deal for the GOP and for the Democrats as well, a deal to which both parties have already agreed? 

The Republicans should grab the Democrats tightly ("Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.") and simply step off the cliff.

The Republicans will enjoy the boast of, true to their pledge, not having voted to raise taxes.

For Democrats marginal rates will indeed climb.  True, for everyone not just the rich, but in their heart of hearts, that is what they want anyway.  For liberals, nothing is ultimately yours.  Rather, as they see it, in a more efficient and just society, all wealth belongs finally to the government, to be redistributed by it as necessary.    

But also, and this is key, real spending will be cut as well.

Think of it, for the first time since the New Deal at least, real spending will be cut and smaller government will result.  To be sure, it will be cut with a very blunt instrument, but cut nonetheless.

I say jump.


  1. I believe it is reasonable to say that no matter what happens, we are well beyond the point of no return. Even if congress decided to tax everyone 100% of their income, it seems to me that we couldnt pay off our yearly debt, to say nothing of the interest on the debt we already owe. I think the jump has already happened. Whats going on now is nothing more than a sideshow. A group of people squabbling over who is in charge of the sinking ship. Im not entirely sure it even matters at this point.

  2. I'm afraid you may well be right, but more significant is you thinking it so.

    We may indeed be toast already, but when men and women of good will simply give up, then we are really toast.

  3. I absolutely agree with you. I do not advocate good people giving up at all. On the contrary, I believe that people will only truly be able to engage in finding real hope and direction when they accept my earlier point. The notion that anything they do in washington can save us only muddies the waters. Beyond that, the regime being a representation of its constituents, it is equally as important for the good to realize that a fair number of their fellow citizens are part of the problem, not the solution. Now more than ever we have a true chance as Americans to realize and practice individual responsibility.

    I dont mean to drone on, but at this point do we even want a "solution" from Washington? Its well established, I believe, that they are not only blind to the actual cause of the problems we face, but wish to double down on them. Expand them if possible. The only problem Washington is trying to fix is how to let our current state of affairs be handled by someone else down the road. Theyre looking for another thumb to plug the levy.
    They ARE the problem. Letting cancer find a cure for cancer wont work.

    I think the fix is for good families to see to their faith, to their families, to their neighbors, etc..
    The rebuilding of a strong foundation can provide in due time, the America we once had and maybe an even better one.

    Forgive my rambling!


  4. Well said. My only caveat is this (with apologies to Joseph Stalin of all people): While you may not care about Washington, Washington cares about you.
